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                ROCACHO 图形设计

                BRIEF AND OBJECTIVES

                Rocacho is a new grill house located in Madrid’s business district. Its quality is based on a superb final product and friendly service. They asked us to build a lasting brand that would put their promise up front: a memorable culinary experience in a urban rustic



                The concept is built around imagery of primitive constructions and tools. Since the earliest of times fire has been an essential element for mankind, and so we focused on the grill house as a place to celebrate rituals. Throughout history humankind has always met around fire and food to celebrate victories in war, treaties between tribes,and so on. We wanted to develop a solid, lasting concept which steered clear of trends and fast fashion, taking the grill house back to basics with a touch of modernity.




                这个概念是建立在原始结构和工具的意象之∏上的。自从最早Ψ 的时候,火是人类必不◤可少的元素,所以↓我们关注。烧烤屋作为庆祝仪式的地方。纵观人类历史总是围绕着火和食物会面,庆祝战◇争胜利,部落间的条约,等等。我们想建立一个稳固的、持※久的概念,避开趋势。快速时尚,把烤架带回现代的基础。

                欢迎收听“深圳市顶点企业形象策划有限公@ 司”官方微信:



                深圳市顶点企业形象策划有限公司 是一家企业VI设计形象策划的综合服务提供商,我们坚持以创新的思路做品牌,做最有力的“创新型设计”!

                点击:4427 添加时间: 2018-11-10