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                KNOT HOME 图形设计, 品牌推广, 包装

                KNOT HOME is an online store offering contemporary Persian rugs sold directly from the manufacturers, shipped worldwide. The store is run by a family-owned business from Esfahan, with a history of more than 100 years in the rug business. The style of the rugs can be described as minimalistic, classic and timeless. By working with talented, young designers they are creating fresh and new patterns for the interior and spaces of today's modern society.
                The logo reflects the products in all its simplicity, giving associations to the weaving technique of this craftsmanship, while the stylistic pattern gives a hint of the culture and authenticity of this family legacy.


                欢迎收听“深圳市顶点企业形象策划有限公∑ 司”官方微信:


                深圳市顶点█企业形象策划有限公司是一家企业形象设计与品牌标志设计的综合服□ 务提供商

                深圳市√顶点企业形象策划有限公司 是一家企业VI设计形象策划的综合服务提供商,我们坚持以创新的思路做品牌,做最ぷ有力的“创新型设々计”!

                点击:9634 添加时间: 2018-11-02