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                DuPont Co's first landmark change in the past hundred years

                DuPont is a global research-based company that has been transforming science and chemistry through innovation.









                标志开头和结尾处的两个∏小块在数字媒体应用中Ψ 可以发挥特别的作用。一是将它◤们转换成3D形状,看↓起来前卫和抽象,使得这样的巨头企业更酷。另一种方法是用作广告∞中,它可以立刻被识别。设计表现出☉大胆,现代的◇姿态。


                Brand introduction

                DuPont is a global research-based company that has been transforming science and chemistry through innovation. Business with China dates back to the Qing Dynasty and has a long history operating in more than 70 countries. New logos have recently been unveiled as part of a brand change.
                design company
                Strategic thinking
                The new symbol of modernization foreshadowed the transformation of DuPont as a company and global brand. The new brand image, which focuses on customer-oriented innovation strategies and goal-driven culture, is one of the many initiatives DuPont has taken in its transformation to help customers solve complex problems and translate the best ideas into real-world products and solutions.
                Design elaboration

                The new logo retains the iconic DuPont oval tradition. For more than a century, its quality, performance and trust have been deeply imprinted on the brand, without the limitations of the elliptical boundary, marking the new DuPont open thinking and innovation.

                The space between the old logo "Du" and "Pont" has been abandoned. The design team also studied concepts including symbols and colours to enhance the functionality of existing trademarks by making printing more detailed and redrawing the glyph more weight-sensitive.

                The two blocks at the beginning and end of the logo play a special role in digital media applications. One is to transform them into 3D shapes, which look like avant-garde and abstract. Another way is to be used in advertisements, which can be identified instantly. The design shows a bold and modern attitude.

                Instead of developing brand fonts, the logo uses off-the-shelf fonts, which are rare in recent cases, especially for a company of considerable size, where packaging and logos will gradually change after the new company is established.

                欢迎收听“深圳□ 市顶点企业形象策划有限公司”官方微信:


                深圳市顶∑ 点企业形象策划有限公司是一家企业形象设计与品牌标志设计的综】合服务提供商

                深圳市顶点企业形象策划有限公司 是一家企业VI设计形象策划的综合服务提供商,我们坚持以创新的思路」做品牌,做最有力的“创新型设█计”!

                点击:26700 添加时间: 2018-10-18