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                Katamaya | Sweet & Savory


                这项研究是代表Katamaya. &amp; savory进行的,旨在创造一种包装方式,从视觉和语言上都表明公司糖果和糖果的优良品质。




                Katamaya | Sweet & Savory

                The study conducted on behalf of Katamaya sweet & savory aimed at creating a packaging that would, visually and verbally, suggest the excellent quality of the company’s candy and sweets.

                The primary colour selected for the packaging is the dark brown, which refers to chocolate. It was combined with a second color, different for each package, inspired by candy colouring.

                The colour ratio in the packages was created with use of the gold number 'φ', thus enhancing the sense of harmony and the importance the company gives to detail and quality.

                The text on the side of the boxes is intended to positively predispose in regards to what will follow their opening.



                深圳市顶点企业形象策划有限♂公司是一家企业◥形象设计与品牌标志设计◥的综合服㊣ 务提供商

                深圳市顶点企业形象策划有限公司 是一家企业VI设计形象策划的综合服务》提供商,我们坚持以创新的思路做品牌,做最有力的“创新※型设计”!

                点击:5291 添加时间: 2018-12-03